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Idea and History


This geologically and botanically interesting landscape is unequalled in Northeast Brandenburg. The initiators of the creation of the Geopark are: the Administrative Office Joachimsthal (Schorfheide), the IAT (Interkommunale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Tourismus = Intercommunal Working Group for Tourism) and the Gesellschaft zur Erforschung und Förderung der Märkischen Eiszeitstraße e. V. (Society for research and promotion of the Märkische Eiszeitstraße). Following the idea, that the one who wants to know and understand the fascinating world of geology also has to intentional experience it and the idea that the natural treasures of this landscape have to be made even more experienceable for the inhabitants and visitors of this region the GeoPark was founded. In this GeoPark we can find the witnesses of earth's development and the work of the people living here. The municipalities have created sites that invite you to linger, which represent the cultural and settlement history. The Regionale Förderverein e. V. became the organising institution of the GeoPark Eiszeitland am Oderrand in 2005. Cross-border cooperation with the Polish region is content related and organisational realised for the purposes of the POMERANIA.



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